How To Give Web Designers Positive Reviews That Genuinely Reward Their Great Work

How To Give Web Designers Positive Reviews That Genuinely Reward Their Great Work

There are a few things that web designers hope will happen once they have fully completed the creation of a website. The most obvious will be that they get paid, if not already. They will hope that the website performs well for the client. And they will also be hoping that the client creates a positive review about them.

The accumulation of positive reviews might not seem of much significance to some, however, for those who provide services, such as web designers, they are a crucial tool in their continued ability to attract and secure new and ongoing clients. A quick caveat here is, notwithstanding the odd imposter or rogue, we are going to assume that the vast majority of web designers are dedicated professionals whose work merits predominantly positive reviews.

Now, you may be someone who has never thought about writing a positive review about any service or product, you might do it religiously every time, or like many people tend to do it randomly depending on how good or bad an experience they have. It could also be that you are unsure how to write reviews, especially if you want to praise a web designer who has built you an amazing website. If so, read on and we explain how to with seven great tips on writing positive reviews.

Tip #1 – Be Honest: Users of the internet are well versed in how to spot fakery online, which is why you should never write a review that is less than 100% truthful. Better to not write one at all, than create a false review.

Tip #2 – Provide Details And Specifics: Give those reading the review of your web designer as many details as you can. Generic comments, like “They were great”, help neither the reader nor the web designer. What exactly did they do that was great? Which specific elements of their work most impressed you?

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Web Design

How Often Should You Update Web Design?

Ever heard the term that goes something like “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? Yeah, that is the modus operandi for a lot of people who preach this like they have achieved some sort of ultimate level in wisdom. This kind of thinking has led a lot of businesses to go down the wrong path. When you look at it in terms of the online presence that companies have and the web design for their websites, following this statement is especially detrimental.

While a website may be functioning perfectly, it could still need some work done on it when it comes to the web design. Redesigning websites is in no way an easy task nor is it something that you need to do every day but it is certainly something that needs to be done from time to time. If your company’s web design follows the trends that were all the blaze half a decade ago, your website might look stale and outdated even if you add fresh content to it. It’s all about making a good impression on the visitors. That’s why we are going to discuss how often you should update the web design on your website.

But Before We Get into It

The first thing you need to look at is whether or not your website is optimized for mobile phone usage. If it isn’t, you seriously need to stop wasting your time and update the web design to make it more suitable for mobile use. That is because there are more people using the internet through their phones than through their computers. Web design trends are all going mobile now and so should your company’s website.

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Your 20-Step Guide To A Successful Office Relocation

Your 20-Step Guide To A Successful Office Relocation

Any business that decides it is going to relocate to new offices has a huge undertaking ahead of it, even if it does the wise thing and seeks the help of Removalists St Kilda to assist them. Given the disruption to a business as it moves to new premises and the potential loss of income during that period, the relocation must be planned and coordinated at every stage.

It will help business owners or those who are going to be responsible for the relocation to break that relocation down into smaller tasks, rather than thinking about it as a whole. Following the latter path can lead to being overwhelmed, and on a practical level, important tasks being forgotten or missed. By creating a series of steps to be followed, the relocation transforms into more manageable tasks, such as the twenty steps we have outlined below.

Initial Planning Stage

Step #1: Invite several office relocation companies to visit both premises to ascertain that they can offer the services you need and to provide a quotation.

Step #2: Confirm the agreement with your chosen removalists company, ensuring you cover matters such as timings, insurance, and additional services.

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Disable Plugin Update

How To Disable Plugin Update in WordPress?

If you have created your own WordPress theme for your blog and you have installed many different plugins, you are most probably facing with the problem when updating those plugins because once you do that you will change your theme and erase all your previous work/changes you’ve done, By using two codes below you can disable all update for all plugins or only select those who should not be updated.

The first method you can implement will disable all updates to your plugins. Copy and paste below code inside your funtion.php file.

remove_action( ‘load-update-core.php’, ‘wp_update_plugins’ );
add_filter( ‘pre_site_transient_update_plugins’, create_function( ‘$a’, “return null;” ) );

The second code will allow you to choose plugins that should not be updated. Add below code in your function.php file.

For this tutorial I decided to disable Akismet plugin. With below 3 line of the code I mentioned the name of the plugin, folder with the name of the php file that usually has the same name as the folder.

You can duplicate below lines of code and replace necessary values with plugin whos updates you want to block..

function stop_plugin_update( $value ) {
unset( $value->response[‘akismet/akismet.php’] );
return $value;
add_filter( ‘site_transient_update_plugins’, ‘stop_plugin_update’ );

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7 Ways You Can Make Your Office Relocation Stress-Free

7 Ways You Can Make Your Office Relocation Stress-Free

Of all the stressful activities that a business owner has to endure, there is one that may never happen to them, or if it does, it is likely to only happen once. We are talking about an office relocation, which thankfully is not something that happens to a business every week, especially for Interstate Removals.

However, when a business does relocate, it can be a considerable undertaking, causing stress, not only for the business owner, but for their staff, their suppliers, and even their customers too. But, if you are planning an office relocation, it need not be as stressful as it could be, provided you follow the seven steps we have outlined below which should help your office relocation be stress-free.

Start Planning As Early As Possible: There is probably no better way to ensure that your office relocation goes smoothly than to have effective planning which starts well in advance. By ‘in advance’ we do not mean a couple of weeks but as much as 6 months or more. Planning covers everything from the logistics of your move to choosing what blinds your new office has.

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SEO Myths About Keywords

4 SEO Myths About Keywords Busted

If you have heard or read anything about SEO techniques and ways to improve the ranking of your website, the subject of keywords is almost certain to have been discussed. This is perfectly understandable given that keywords are one of the major ways by which Google’s algorithms identify a website’s relevance within a certain niche or to a particular subject.

Given the importance of keywords, a lot of has been written about them in articles, blog posts and there is also countless videos on ‘What is SEO?’ that you may have seen on YouTube or as part of an SEO training course. Unfortunately, not everything that you have been told will have been 100% accurate and some it may even have been completely wrong.

The reason is that there are several myths which circulate around the internet regarding keywords, and some of them have been repeated so often they have become part of SEO folklore. Where the problems start is when unsuspecting website owners and even an SEO company, who should know better, erroneously apply those keywords myths and instead of improving a website’s ranking, they damage it.

To help ensure that you do not make these mistakes, here are 4 of the most common SEO myths in relation to keywords.

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Backlinks You Must Not Use to Avoid Google Ranking Penalties

For many webmasters, SEO is seen as a game, and the way they play that game is to ignore all the rules which Google have published in terms of which SEO tactics they reward or punish. One of the biggest areas around which much this so-called game revolves is backlinks.

The reason why backlinks are so sought after is it is one of the primary ways in which Google assesses a website to determine its relevancy and its authority. Backlinks are almost like an SEO currency where the more you have the richer you are, or in Google’s eyes, the higher you get ranked.

Unfortunately, just as counterfeit money exists, there are backlinks which are not all that they seem. They are backlinks certainly, but they are not backlinks which have been earned in the way a link from a press release or an online article would be earned. This is why Google dislikes them because they are so easy to obtain and can skew a website’s true SEO score.

Below we have highlighted several backlinks methods that you should avoid if you want to stay on the right side of Google. If you use any of these they either have no positive impact on your ranking or if Google discovers them, don’t be surprised if you find your website ranked three or more pages further down the rankings than before.

#1 Article Directories: Links from these directories such as Ezine Articles, were devalued years ago by Google, as they believed they were full of articles which were almost identical for any given subject. Whereas, specialist online directories such as Slinky Directory provides a good quality link to helpful sites.

#2 Automatic Link Generating Service: These often appear on websites like Fiverr and offer crazy deals like 20,000 backlinks for $5. They are created by bots, and if Google sees them linking to your website, it will plummet down the SERPs

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How To Create a New Role in WordPress?

WordPress integrates six default roles: Administrator, Editor, Contributor, Author, subscriber and sixth multi-role: Super Admin which have all privileges under WordPress blog.

In this tutorial we will see how to create a new role for your website subscribers and how to display the content according to the new role.

Why would you need to create a new role in WordPress blog?
Apart from enhancing the WordPress security, we could give you a lot of reason to create a new role for subscribers. However in this tutorial we will give you one good example on how to keep the default subscriber role but also create a premium subscription to monetize your blog. So if you have a blog where you want to give access to certain articles or special offers only to people to have paid monthly subscription for example, they can have this custom-built new role in WordPress blog.

To create this new role (Premium Subscription) in WordPress you will need to add the following code in function.php file of your WordPress theme:

// Add a role
add_role(‘premium_user’, ‘Premium Subscription’, array(
‘read’ => true, // true : Allow reading of article page
‘edit_posts’ => false, // false : Forbidden to add articles or pages
‘delete_posts’ => false, // false : Forbidden to remove articles or pages

Add_role : premium_user identifier will be our new role and Premium Subscription is the name of the role that I attribute to my future subscribers who want this subscription.

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Creating a New WordPress Website

Top Tips for Creating a New WordPress Website

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system. Some experts estimate that over 30% of the world’s websites are built on the WordPress platform, which should give you some indication of how easy it is to use, how good its features are and how beginner friendly it is.

*Note that this article will focus on, NOT

Although WordPress is very beginner friendly, it’s still hard to create your own website from scratch if you’ve never done it before. Sure, you don’t need to have any coding or web design experience, and pretty much anyone can build an attractive, functional website in the modern world, but it certainly helps if you have some idea to expect before you start.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of our top tips for building a new WordPress website. They include:

Create a ‘learning’ site first:

Sure, WordPress is easy to use. However, you still need to learn how to use it. One of the best ways to do this is to create a simple website that you can play around with and edit without restrictions. Explore the many functions of the WordPress dashboard, and try and learn about the different tools and plugins that are available to you. Doing this will help you build your actual website properly from the start.

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Webdesign Block – 23 Examples and Resources

Following the advent of the grids in webdesign, layout based on blocks of content or blocks of images may be a good strategy for some web designs. That’s why we will show a brief overview of such sites and resources that will inspire you’re in order to create your site based on blocks.

Planning to launch website based on Webdesign block?

Layout based on modular blocks of content has become essential for portfolios, websites inspiration, in short they are often sites of a large batch of images. Made popular by sites like Pinterest for example, or inspired by applications like Flipboard or the Metro design on Windows Phone 8 devices, navigation is quick and easy, offering a lot of content which is scannable quickly.

The responsive web design also plays a crucial role: by definition a modular unit will adapt to the size of the user’s viewpoint. This type of layout is well suited to different mobile devices today.

Since this kind of web design is used extensively today, I offer a small selection of websites that are well made ​​with this layout, and then invite you to test different tools and plug-ins to create your own website in modular blocks!

We understand that implementing a block-based design requires both creativity and technical expertise. While this approach offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to balance aesthetics with functionality. We recommend considering factors such as load times, user experience, and content hierarchy when adopting this style. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your block-based design remains accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

By combining innovative design principles with thoughtful implementation, we can help you create a website that not only looks stunning but also performs exceptionally across all devices and platforms. Whether you’re refreshing an existing site or starting from scratch, our team is here to guide you through the process of crafting a modular, responsive, and engaging web presence that truly represents your brand.

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